Hi members, 

We hope that you are keeping busy and looking after your loved ones during these crazy and uncertain times. The sooner we all bunker down, the sooner we will be back welcoming you into the Demo Club. We certainly look forward to that day happening soon.

As per the NSW Government COVID advice, our venue has been closed since 14 August 2021. Initially, we were only closed for 7 days, and then after 2 additional extensions we are hoping to be able to open in the middle of September. With the new Delta variant and the cases in, and around our community, we are experiencing different issues compared to the lockdown of 2020. The most important thing is to make sure that we get as many of our community members vaccinated as possible.

Our staff are taking advantage of the opportunity to get vaccinated, and we hope to have a large portion of our staff fully vaccinated by the time we are allowed to reopen. This will assist us, along with our strict adherence to the cleaning and safety of our venue, to keep our staff and members safe at the Demo Club.

We are conducting online raffles which are held on Thursday and Friday evenings and links to purchase tickets can be found on our Demo Club Facebook page. We continue to look at other ways that we can improve our communication and benefits to our members whilst we are in the lockdown period. We will continue to keep you updated on our Facebook page and Club App so don’t forget to keep in touch.

Please stay safe and we look forward to seeing you back in the club soon

Karren Howe
General Manager